"Our guiding principle is constant change, motivation and up-gradation, creating state-of-the-art knowledge infrastructure for our students, instilling in them the ability to learn so that they can face any challenge anywhere in the world."
"Education is the harmonious development of the physical, mental, spiritual and social faculties. It is the process of awakening the thirst for knowledge and kindling the inquisitive spirit that lead to the overall development of students. We, at Jabalpur, have inherited the great spirits of our pioneers to carry their legacy forward, the legacy of imparting education that prepares the students intellectually for mature life. An effective educational system should have a holistic approach that prepares the students for the workforce and to take optimum advantage of the rich opportunities offered by the business community. To keep pace with the ever evolving challenges and trends in the world our curriculum is designed in response to the needs of the industry. The course offered sharpens the faculty of the students and enables them to develop key business and management skills thereby fast tracking their career in leading and managing successful teams and projects. The processes of instruction and evaluation are modernized to enhance the quality of education which is in sync with the latest trends in the fields of commerce and technology. The knowledge is imparted through problem-based learning and computer-assisted instruction. Education is more student-driven rather than traditional, didactic and lecture-oriented."